Dr. Edward Richter obtained his degrees from The Ohio State University. During his graduate work, Dr. Richter concentrated his interests concerning Salmonella and other foodborne pathogens. Post graduation, Dr. Richter accepted a position with Unilever, as research microbiologist. In this capacity Dr. Richter was responsible for designing microbiological challenge studies on new and existing food formulations, designing optimal food preservation systems, reviewing process design and coordinating food product development from a microbiological perspective as well as the overall food safety of products distributed by Unilever in North America. At Unilever, Dr. Richter developed expertise with beverages, dairy based products, snack foods, acidified multi-phased sauces and dressings, meat products as well as rapid microbiological testing methodologies. In 1987, Dr. Richter returned to academia at his alma mater as Assistant Professor in The Department of Food Science and Nutrition at The Ohio State University. In 1989, Dr. Richter founded Silliker Laboratories of Ohio, Inc. Together with the Silliker organization, he built a successful international food analytical research and service laboratory. After selling Silliker Laboratories to Mérieux In 1997, Dr. Richter founded Richter International, an independent food safety, quality, defense and research-consulting group. That same year Richter International formed an alliance with the Battelle Memorial Institute. In 2017, Dr. Richter merged Richter International with other food safety service organizations and re-branded as Matrix Sciences International. Currently, Dr. Richter consults with the food industry under the name House Richter. Dr. Richter has published more than 40 research articles, 3 book chapters, and has served as reviewer of food microbiology journals, research grants and an AOAC-RI expert reviewer for food diagnostics. He has been a member of various national professional organizations, served on various technical boards, consulted with food companies, participated as a technical advisor in legal cases, and is considered an expert in Food Microbiological Preservation, Foodborne Disease, Food Quality, Safety, Food Diagnostics and Food & Pet Food Microbiology.